Monday, February 18, 2013

Long Time Coming

We made a small trip to Moab, UT. It was a quick trip with only one day of riding. We stayed in town and drove into the Needles area to unload. We are a habitual people, so of course we unloaded at Tombstone Rock. We stopped at the Secret Spire on our way to Spring Canyon Point. There we played around looking down at Hey Joe Canyon. The water was still frozen and looked cold down there. Lucky for us, there was no snow on any of the trails we were on. It also was 52 degrees outside, so it was perfect when we stopped and played.
We had some difficulties with one 4-wheeler breaking, twice! On the way to Secret Spire, we noticed the 4-wheeler was acting funny. When we stopped and looked at it, we noticed the tie rod was falling off. After a few tries, we were back and running. On the way back to camp, the other side's tie rod fell off completely. Fortunately no one was hurt badly, just bumps and bruises.
Once back to camp, we set up a shooting range and took out some fun guns and played around with them. We had some friends from Australia who had never seen a gun in real life before, so we thought we'd have them start shooting with a BB Gun. Once they started feeling comfortable with those, we broke out the real ones and let them fire them off. They had a great time. Kody was amazing with the BB gun, hitting almost all of the targets he was aiming at.
All in all it was a fun, fast, exciting trip. Hopefully we can go back and go on some of the more challenging trails.
At Spring Canyon Point

Spring Canyon Point
Spring Canyon Point

climbing down to lookout


Drew was the closest to the target

Tombstone Rock end of the day.
Until next time...